Saturday, June 30, 2012

samedi 30 juin, 2012

Currently sitting in the gardens of the Petit Palais, at an outdoor café with a Coca Zero. It is breathtaking here!

I am grateful for a relaxing day, as for some reason, this week has been very go go go for me. I haven’t even had time to paint my nails (and if you know me, you know how significant that is.)

Fortunately, this week has been full of lots of really great things. Monday night, I got to cross something from my Paris bucket list off: sitting on a blanket on the Champs de Mars under the Eiffel Tower with a bottle of wine, cheese, a baguette, and the sunset. I went with my friend Alissa, and we actually climbed the Eiffel Tower before our historic picnic! That's right, climbed. Not elevator-ed. 

Champs de Mars, seen from top of Eiffel Tower
The next evening, Alissa and I met up again to climb to the top of the Arc de Triomphe—something that I didn’t even know was possible. That was definitely the best view of Paris I have seen so far: you see the Champs Elysees, leading to the Place de la Concorde at the end. You see the “Etoile” (“star”) from up there—a bunch of streets meet together at the Arc de Triomphe, making a star shape. You could also see the Eiffel Tower from the top of the Arc de Triomphe (making the trip to the top of the Eiffel Tower a bit underrated—you can’t see the Eiffel Tower up there!).
The view of Paris and the "Etoile" from the top of l'Arc de Triomphe

I have found myself becoming very interested in French History. Through my work, I am now working on a tourist guide of the 8th arrondissement, so I have been doing research on many of the iconic places here. There is so much history here, and I find it so interesting because I know almost none of it. Still looking for a good book about the history of France..let me know if you have any recommendations!

I found one called Paris Brule-t-il?, which looks really cool. “Paris brule-t-il?” means “Is Paris Burning?” and that’s apparently what Hitler asked one of his commanders on the telephone after giving the orders to burn down Paris in WWII. Fortunately, a German commander refused to burn what he saw as the most beautiful city, so he surrendered to the French. Paris was saved.

Hootie Happies:
  • It is Paris SOLDE season! Which means that there are sales everywhere. Legally, stores are only allowed to have sales 2x a year: for 6 weeks in the summer, and for 6 weeks in the winter. Throughout the 6 weeks, the prices continue to go down, but there are less and less items. Ergo, I got a pair of sunglasses, some black flats, and a cute shirt—all for 30 euros. That was my high of the day.
  • After telling my coworker I took a nap in the Jardins de Palais Royale, he said “I gather you like to sleep?" “Why?” “Well it’s not the first time you’ve mentioned taking naps.” What can I say? I take after my mommy.
  •  I applied for a job at the FBI this week. Yup.
  • I got to take a day of work this week to tour around the 8th arrondissement—to visit museums, restaurants, and monuments for my tour guide. Tough life, right?
  • Tuesday evening, before going to meet Alissa for the Arc de Triomphe, my shoes busted. And I couldn’t walk without them falling off. Unfortunately, all of the stores were about to close. Equally as unfortunate, the incredible sales were going to begin the next day. Desperate for comfortable shoes, I bought sandals at Gap. Silly Jennifer wore black tights that day, so let’s just say that I got more than a few stares from Parisians for the rest of the night…

Sunday, June 24, 2012

samedi 23 juin 2012

As I write this, I am in the Bourgogne countryside of France with the host family of my friend Kimberly. I am once again taken back by the beauty and simplicity of the countryside. Now I know I’m no country girl (coming from the girl who, at 11 years old when at our ranch Perry Lake, refused to leave the car: “There are too many bees!”)---but I can appreciate the peace that is here.

This house/countryside is particularly remarkable because the family of Benoit (Kim’s host-father) has owned it since the 1700’s. That’s a really long time. The family has had the home as a vacation/weekend house since then, and about 8 years ago, they started redoing it.

Benoit gave Kim and I a tour of the huge garden (in which we picked fresh raspberries, red currants, and blueberries for dessert), the underground area where the family would make wine and store produce during the wintertime, the backhouse area where they would make fresh bread in the brick oven, and of course the picturesque, antique well in the backyard. There are old bedrooms full of antique books and dusty toys; antique sewing machines that one sees in a museum, and old pictures of Benoit’s great great great grandparents; long dusty dining tables in a dining room, with an entrance in the back for the service.

Long story short (or maybe not so short…) it is a very quaint plantation-like home that has been passed down from generation to generation in the Michon family. I will note that in the wine cave, I naively asked Benoit how wine is even made.

My memory-triggered self became amazed by the fact that 2 centuries ago, women in their long dresses and corsets walked up these stairs after picking fresh pears and tomatoes. There is just something here that makes me appreciate the past and a family’s history.

This morning at breakfast, Kim and I were talking to Odile (Benoit’s wife) about her family. She started telling us all about where her ancestors were from, what they did in their lives, how certain wars affected them, and how she took her daughter to Norway to introduce her to her cousins who still live there.

I began to wonder about where I come from. From where did my great great great great grandparents move to America? As Odile pointed out, no one in America is really native: anyone who was actually native (i.e., native Indian) has been killed, put on a reservation, or had their rights taken away from them. Everyone else is, at the root of it, from another country but calls themselves American. (The truth hurts, huh?)

Odile suggested that I talk to my relatives who are still living, ask them about their ancestors, and write everything down. “Nothing gets passed down unless it’s in writing,” she said. She made me want to go home, print out all of my pictures, write about my life, and document everything. Sounds silly, but I do actually want my great grand children to know who I was—not for the sake of my name living on, but so they know where they came from. It made me think of my Grandmother and how lucky I am that I have her telling her life story on video; of how precious life is in simplicity; of how distracted I can be even by my phone or my stuff.

It made me appreciate just being.

Benoit drove Kim and I to his aunt, cousin, and mom’s individual country houses, showed us around those, and then we walked through the woods in rain boots. Here I was reminded of the hours I spent with my sisters and cousins in the “secret meadow” of Perry Lake, in the “swamps” with our walking sticks, and in my imaginary world in the woods.

Overall, it was refreshing to get in the fresh air and to slow down a bit from the Parisian life, where every minute of the day is go go go. Random detail—Benoit was wearing a button down shirt and khakis the whole time. Even while crawling under branches and. To each his own?

This past Thursday was the “Fête de la Musique” in Paris---and therefore the best evening of my whole trip so far. On this day, there are people all over Paris playing music on the side of the streets, in cafés and bars, and in big open squares next onlooking a breathtaking monument. NBD. I went with some of my friends (3 other EUSA Paris interns plus 3 of my church friends) to the Quartier Latin to wander around and listen to concerts. The Quartier Latin is an area on the Rive Gauche with a very young feeling to it—there are tons of students there, and small streets with lots of different kinds of cuisine to try. We went from corner to corner, and on every street there were plenty of different genres of music to enjoy together (and also plenty of crepe stands for our dessert!).

Padlocks on Pont des Arts
But possibly my favorite part of the night was when I was alone (surprise, right?) on the bridge Pont Des Arts. If you don’t know what it is, look it up right now. I mean it—stop and look it up right now. The wire sides of the bridge are covered with padlocks, on which lovers write their name before locking it and throwing the key in the river, symbolizing their eternal love. I didn’t get to look at them for more than a minute, but I heard that there are antique locks from 200 years ago attached to the bridge. With the sun setting, French ladies singing on the bridge, and lovers sneaking a kiss after throwing their key, I certainly took plenty of mental pictures.

Typical Paris.
Today is June 23. And I got here exactly 31 days ago. The time is passing very fast, and yet I already feel so much more comfortable in this city than I did when I arrived. It is nights like the Fête de la Musique that make me think I could stay in Paris for years on end and never fall out of love.
My friend Alissa and me at Fête de la Musique

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

I forgot one important story about a package I received yesterday!

I closed my eyes and felt like I was there with my family. I could almost hear Molly barking in the background, Eloise growling, and momma's kitchen TV with the news on. I could almost smell the guacamole, taco meat, and salsa. I opened my eyes and opened the box. Wow I can really smell this salsa, I feel so at home right now. Oh wait....oh no....oh goodness, why is there red chunky sauce all over this tape? Ohhhhh no...Stevia, mints, Taco seasoning--all with a delicious soaking of El Fenix picante sauce on the outside.

I guess glass jars don't travel well?

Fret not, the best part was salvaged: El Fenix's tortilla chips. Thanks to the best family I could ask for!

mercredi 20 juin 2012

This Monday was a hard day. At 9:30 am, my alarm went of—15 minutes after I normally have to leave my apartment to get to work on time. A frantic morning shook up my whole day, and even 4 cups of coffee didn’t help me perk back up to normal. It also just so happened that the iBook I had created and completed on Friday didn’t work when I showed it to my boss upon arriving to work yesterday morning. And, because I was so tired, I was having trouble finding the words in French to explain why it wasn’t working.


Let’s hope that my extra short lunch break and staying at work late that evening showed my boss that I actually am responsible and hardworking.

But Tuesday was a new day! Getting up extra early gave my mind and body plenty of time to wake up before headed out. However, the day almost took a turn for the worst when I slipped on the sidewalk and on the way down, grabbed the arm of some Frenchman. He was frazzled. But I laughed. And the day was salvaged.

Overall, this past week has been harder for me. I have found myself feeling very incompetent. It’s much more of a challenge than I had expected—being able to express myself accurately while surrounded by people who have grown up in a different culture and speaking a different language than me. I can know the vocabulary, but that doesn’t necessarily allow real Jennifer shine through. That’s a different story.

Although it's sometimes tough, I am grateful, because this is the cultural experience that I had hoped to have this summer. What is more, I am intimately known and loved by the God who made me. I’m trying to repeat that to myself throughout my day.

In other news, I made a Swiss friend named Yvonne this weekend. And I had lots of fun with my friends over the weekend.

Here’s an Eiffel Tower picture: you’ve gotta appreciate the selfie. Everyone’s doing it.

On the way to work today, I listened to Revelation Song by Kari Jobe.
Holy Holy is the Lord God Almighty. With all creation I sing praise to the King of Kings. Filled with wonder at the mention of Your Name. Jesus Your Name is Power, breath and living water, such a marvelous mystery.

            O, how it would it change my outlook on life if I began to praise God for who HE IS, not for what he can give me. Praise Him for being Holy, Lord Almighty, gracious, patient and worthy of praise. Peace, forgiveness, and joy, are all things that God allow me to experience as a result of His love. But am I only in this whole Christian thing to get joy in life? To feel “happy”? Happiness by itself on this earth is not lasting.

Instead I am to praise the Lord not only of my life for who HE is, regardless of what He gives me or doesn't give me. 
He owes me nothing. He IS. 

From Milton Vincent’s A Gospel Primer:

The gospel is not simply the story of “Christ and Him crucified”; it is also the story of my own crucifixion….My old self was slain there, and my love affair with the world was crucified there too.
When my flesh yearns for some prohibited thing, I must die.
When called to do something I don’t want to do, I must die.
When I wish to be selfish and serve no one, I must die.
When shattered by hardships that I despise, I must die.
When wanting to cling to wrongs done against me, I must die.
When enticed by allurements of the world, I must die.
When dreams that are good seemed shoved aside, I must die.
‘Not my will, but Yours be done,’ Christ trustingly prayed on the eve of His crucifixion. 

Is this real life? 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

dimanche 10 juin 2012

dimanche 10 juin 2012

I have thought to myself multiple times while in Texas that if only I could just run away by myself to Paris, sit at a café, and wander the city alone, THEN I would be happy. When yesterday that finally was the case, I was unsatisfied, insecure, and thinking I would be happier "if only ____." 

I was insecure and prideful. And that is because I am broken. That is because this world’s pleasures will never fully fill me up.

His mercies are new every morning.

Today I decided to go to the Hillsong Church here, and was humbled once again to walk into a room knowing nobody. I think it’s a good reminder to get to that point every once and a while. To remember how much it means when someone remembers your name, or when someone asks you to sit with them.

I made a handful of new friends today at church, and at the lunch hangout after. I even walked around Paris with a big group of them this afternoon, searching for macaroons and laughing with really cool girls, who happen to also love Jesus. 

I’m feeling very humbled. And very looked after by the God who knows me personally. By my God who, though I plug my ears, continues to whisper to me, “I am here! And I AM.”

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Post Cards

vendredi 8 juin 2012

Right now I’m sitting in a French-Asian Café called Aki Boulanger eating my lunch. It makes me laugh when I come here: there’s a mix of French pastries and sandwiches, green tea muffins, baguettes, rice bowls, salads, and some milky Japanese drink called “Calpis.” But I like it a lot; it’ s right by my work, so I get my morning café au lait here, and sometimes a sandwich for lunch. This whole area near my office is full of Japanese and Asian restaurants—but let’s just say that the sushi here doesn’t taste like Texas sushi. Maybe that’s because it’s not all fried into tempura…It is definitely just as expensive here though!

The French culture is fascinating to me: I’m learning SO much about it even over just 2 weeks. Here are some of my favorite things I’ve learned recently:
  • Just like in everywhere in the world, there are certthings that are taboo to talk about here:
o   Religion: religion is seen as a very private thing here. My program director said that even with her closest, best friends, they don’t talk about religion. They’re not necessarily against it; they just think that it should be something you do in private.

o   Salaries: like in the US, you don’t talk about how much people earn at work. But uniquely, I think that in Paris it’s not something that’s really discussed with your boss either.

o   Politics: this one must be very clearly understood. From what I’ve learned so far, Parisians love to talk politics, the economy, the President and his policies, current national issues, etc.
                 -But what you never talk about it how you individually vote. There aren’t buttons or bumper stickers that say things like, “I voted for President Obama, have you?”

o   There is a very clear distinction between one’s private and public life:
- One example that I find so fascinating to compare to American culture is that of giving guests a tour of the house. According to what I’ve seen in my life, Americans (or atleast Texans) love to show guests around the house. Maybe we feel it makes them feel more at home if they know their way around? But in France, you would never show a guest your bedroom! That is your private space, and there will literally be curtains in front of a door or window to show a distinct barrier between one’s private and public life.
-Along with that come private/personal issues in conversation. People are less likely to open up about their family, their marriage, their past, etc., early on in relationships. Whereas I was raised in the US to talk to my boss/coworker about family, and immediately go deep, that doesn’t happen here. Of course, these things can be discussed in time and as a relationship develops. But at the beginning, there is more conversation about intellectual things: art, movies, books, politics, etc, and less conversation about how your quiet time was today.
o   Of course, talking about sex is not taboo, as it is in the southern US.
  •  One does not eat their pizza, hamburger, or fruit with their hands. You cut it with a fork and a knife on your plate. I went into a burger place the other day and not one person in the restaurant picked up their burger to eat it.
  • Lunch is seen as the bigger meal of the day. I just learned this. And Beatrice just learned that in America, it’s normal for one to eat a just a sandwich for lunch, and then have a big dinner at night. So now she’s started fixing me a steak every night haha. She says it’ll make me strong and it’s good for me.
  • You NEVER eat infront of the TV. When I asked if they did, they said that it makes you fat. I said that maybe that’s why there are so many fat Americans, or why Parisian women are generally slender.
  • Parisians really value taking a break. They work really long hours each day (Olivier doesn’t get home from work until 9pm), so they take at the least an hour lunch break. It’s not Parisian to eat in front of your computer while fitting extra work in.
o   Along with this comes the subject of coffee, one of my favorites.
- If you want a coffee during the day, you don’t drive through Starbucks to get a venti latte to can carry around the rest of the day. If you want a coffee, you stop at a café, you sit yourself down, and you drink a cup of coffee. And once you are finished, you go on with your day.
- This also reminds me of the issue of quality vs. quantity:
  • A Parisian would rather have 4 oz of absolutely incredible wine than guzzle down 2 bottles of low-grade cheap wine just to drink a lot.     
  • If you order a coffee at a restaurant, they give you an espresso (about the size of a shot glass). No it’s not a 16 oz cup, but the quality is amazing and rich.
  • I will also note that the one time that I did get a grande Starbucks to go, my coworkers commented on it. I felt like I might as well have been wearing a t-shirt with a light up American flag on it.
  • At least in my host family, they really stick to the chronology of a meal. They have courses, and you don’t start eating the next course (ex, the meat), until everyone at the table has finished their salad and tomatoes. And you don’t move on to the dessert (in my house, fruit), until everyone has gotten their main course, and of course their cheese and bread.
  • The French business culture is very different also. My boss is much less implicit with me than I have ever seen in Texas. Unless I ask him a question or come to him for help, he assumes that I know what I’m supposed to be doing. If I have a question, he expects me to be proactive and come ask him. It kindove makes sense, actually. I shouldn’t expect to be babied.
  • People tend to dress up a whole lot more than I am used to in College Station. Which, of course, I LOVE. I have maybe seen 3 t-shirts in the last 16 days. I was discussing French vs. American culture with my program director last week. Whereas in Texas (and I think America in general), if I go to the gym my exercise clothes and need to run a few errands after, I would wear my exercise clothes to the store, without question. I would value being productive and getting lots done, even if I do wear my workout clothes into Central Market. Atleast everyone else will know that I am productive. However, in Paris, if you need to go get some bread after your workout, you will go home, shower, put on pants, a blouse, and some lipstick BEFORE going to the store. They like to dress for the runway every day. It makes every day really fun for me :)
           That wraps up a lot of what I have learned over the last 2 weeks concerning the French culture. There is so much more that I will write and that I will also learn in the next 6 weeks.

I got to go to Bordeaux, France with my friend Kim last weekend! It was a last minute trip, so we didn’t really have any idea what we were going to do or see. So, we expected there to be lots to see there, because we had both heard of Bordeaux a lot. It turns out that what we liked the most there was the food and the wine. We got to go to the beach about an hour from Bordeaux, which was my favorite part, even though it was 60 degrees. Jeans + bikini top. There's a first time for everything! We had an amazing dinner of porc and pineapple shish kabobs, French-fry-like potatoes, a fresh goat cheese salad, and a dessert---all for 12.50 euros! You wont find that in Paris.

Hootie Happies:
  • Because of my bangs, I don’t have to pluck my eyebrows. Whoop.
  • I can carry my XO tote to work and no one knows what it is. No one will put me in a box right as they see me, hooray!
  • There is a Piano Coiffeur next to my work. Someone plays music while you get your hair cut and styled. Probably will cost me my firstborn son, but I like that it exists.
  • I told my host family how often we eat Mexican food in Texas, and we decided that we are going to have a Texas night, where I make Mexican food for them, they invite their kids over, and we will speak in English the whole evening. I might also make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for them, because they were blown away by the idea of that.
  •  I told Beatrice and Olivier about the Pixar movie Ratatouille and they laughed their heads off. I’m pretty sure I made a fool of Americans as I explained the chef rat that pulls on a boy’s hair to teach him how to cook. I didn’t mention that it is Kelly and I’s favorite movie.
  •  I got to talk to this guy:
  • I ate lunch aux Jardins du Palais Royale on Wednesday, and I was absolutely blown away by how beautiful it was. I will definitely get a sandwich to-go and go there again.

  • And here is a picture of the Luxembourg Gardens which I walked through last this real life??

  • And I've been walking through amazing bookstores here, not to read books, but to just browse. It's like being in Barnes and Noble, but funner (Elle Woods much?)

  • I had my first glimpse of the Eiffel Tower the other evening on the bus. Can't believe I still haven't been there yet!! 

I have been pretty pensive recently, just thinking lots about how short life is. I’m not sure what it is, but I’m just starting to settle in to real life here, and it’s becoming less of a dream. There is a saying in French that my wonderful French professor taught me in HS: “Metro, boulot, dodo.” It means “metro, job, sleep.” Kindove like “another day, another dollar” in English, maybe? Basically it means that life can get kindove cyclical, where you are just doing the same thing every day: you stand on the metro, work all day, sleep, and do it again all day.

I’m starting to feel that here, and it just makes me think about what the purpose of life is, and about what I want the rest of my life to look like. Olivier’s cousin died yesterday. And he was really beat down at dinner last night. I am starting to think through what it means to not live with the sole purpose of building my own kingdom, but to live for the King Jesus’ kingdom. 

I think that God is working a lot in me this summer. I am beyond grateful that I am here. And that’s why I can’t help but smile while walking to work with a spring in my step, trying to take as many mental pictures as I can.

Oh, and I am missing my ice cold Fresca’s after dinner. A lot. 

A bientôt,

PS if you made it to the end of this novel of a post, chances are, you probably already are used to my word-vomiting. 3 gold stars for you!

Friday, June 1, 2012

vendredi, 1 juin 2012

I have been much busier than I had expected! I’m supposed to be at work between 9:30-10, I leave between 5:30-6. I have had to stop by the store for random things every day, and then (if I eat dinner with Beatrice and Olivier), we eat from 9:00-10:45, and by the time I shower and get to bed, it’s around midnight. Eeks. Tough life, right? I guess it’s worth it because every day I get in my business casual (emphasis on the casual, here—it’s a super small office), and have a smirk on my face that likely screams American, as I listen to TSwift, Amelie des Crayons, and TTC. 

I am really in love with this city. I know, mom and dad, you can wipe your tears. You might lose me to La Ville Lumière (supposedly a name for Paris, which I just learned). I love that noone knows who I am, and I can just stroll through the streets, people assuming that I’m just another Parisienne on her way to work after a café au lait to wash down sa tartine for breakfast. It’s kindove nice to not be reachable every second of every day, like I’m used to in Texas. The only people who I have in my French phone are my host family, and my friend Kim. It’s nice. I also feel like it is much easier for me to do what Jennifer wants to do here, as opposed to doing what I feel like I’m “supposed to do,” which is a struggle for me in College Station. If I want to have 2 glasses of wine at a café while reading a magazine by myself, I’m going to do it.

Speaking of that afternoon at the café, I am still learning my alcohol tolerance. So I had 2 glasses of wine (because I accidentally bought a bigger size than I had realized, and didn’t want to waste my money). I’m just being money-conscious, right?! I joke—I was fine. But I came back to the apartment for dinner, and Beatrice kept saying, “Jennifer, you look so tired. You should go to sleep. Are you tired?” I was jumbling my words a bit…and super chatty……I talked to the dad for an hour and a half at dinner. It wasn’t until a few days later that I realized that du vin rosé is much stronger than white or red wine. Oops. They laughed at me a whole lot; God gave me a French family that isn’t too serious, which I am grateful for!

Last weekend I went to a quiet town 45 minutes out of Paris called Marines with my host family. In this area of green rolling hills, there is a quaint house with a garden, lounge chairs, and a huge yard. It was built 100 years ago, and there are still pictures on the inside of the original homeowners. Look at these pictures…as I told Beatrice, houses like these don’t exist outside of movies. At least not in my world. I was trying to take mental pictures the whole weekend. Beautiful beautiful. And the LaCroix kids (who are all in their 20’s-ish) were so welcoming to me. The oldest son (probably 30) is married and has a baby, and his wife Charlotte was SO kind to me, really asking me questions and wanting to know bout my life, as well as wanting to help me practice French (and practice her English). It made me realize how much it means to be included. It’s back to the basics, here. She and the other LaCroix son’s girlfriend (Constance) were asking me about my life, about what I liked to do, about Felipe (shoutout!), and teaching me French phrases that the young, hip people say. When I shared this slang with my host parents, they died laughing at me. “Tu es trop mignonne!!” –Beatrice. She teaches me French words that are, shall we say, not so kind. Pardon my French. Quand en France, faites comme les Français, right mom and dad?

Other hootie happies:
  •  I am loving my internship. Everyone is very kind (all 4 of them), and I have lots of responsibility, which is great. I am now in the process of making 2 iBook presentations on an iPad: one is a tourist guide of the 8th arrondissement in Paris (where my apartment is). The other is a recipe book that a French mother wrote (with cute stories and anecdotes in it) for her kids.
  • My coworker played music from his computer yesterday in the office, and he put on Sexual Healing. Pshh typical French people.
  • The one day that I happened to wear a dress and heels this week to work, my maitre de stage asked me to go to the paper company with him. Via bike. So I hopped on the bike with my 4 inch wedges on, and proceeded to completely fall of----before I began riding. Balance is tough, guys! I almost smashed a little Asian girl while falling. And completely embarrassed myself in front of my boss, who was uncomfortably unsure what to say to me after that.
  •  I went to a French cooking class with a Club for Foreigners (yep, that’s me) and we learned how to make a delicious Patilla (?) with avocados, shrimp, and mangoes inside. Mmmmmm
  • Sometimes there are people playing the trumpet and bass in the metro and seriously makes my day! I start tapping my foot to the beat, and smiling like I'm in a French film.....why does everyone else ignore them?
  • I got to see Ashley and Kellyyyyyyy last weekend! So refreshing to see them and to feel like these big grown up adults who happened to meet up on the other side of the world. They are a blessing to me.
  • Tomorrow morning, my friend Kim and I are going to Bordeaux! We both want to take advantage of being in Europe and so close to all of these other countries. But because it was so last minute, we just decided to travel within France this weekend. Bordeaux apparently has amazing food, great wine, and is only an hour away by plane! (Which cost $180 round trip! Not sure if that’s a good deal or not, but hey—how else do you learn?) We’ll leave tomorrow morning and get back Sunday evening.
  • Meanwhile, my family has moved houses and I’m trying to not think about it. Today, Friday, is their first full day in the new house, and they are going to go visit the old (empty) house. Hoping they don’t send too many pictures or I’ll cry.....
  • Still hoping to find a church here. But I was out of town last weekend, and will be this weekend too.
  • I had my first real French crepe. And it was 125% worth it. Ice cream, Honey, and roasted almonds. Mom, stop licking the computer screen. You can't taste it through there.

  • I am feeling super confident in my French! It is very encouraging to be amongst people who speak only French. Even when they speak to me in English, I usually just ignore it and speak back in French. That’s why I’m here!

Well, I should probably get off of my computer because I just got to the office…like a grown up. I'll go get some coffee.

A bientôt!
