Sunday, June 10, 2012

dimanche 10 juin 2012

dimanche 10 juin 2012

I have thought to myself multiple times while in Texas that if only I could just run away by myself to Paris, sit at a cafĂ©, and wander the city alone, THEN I would be happy. When yesterday that finally was the case, I was unsatisfied, insecure, and thinking I would be happier "if only ____." 

I was insecure and prideful. And that is because I am broken. That is because this world’s pleasures will never fully fill me up.

His mercies are new every morning.

Today I decided to go to the Hillsong Church here, and was humbled once again to walk into a room knowing nobody. I think it’s a good reminder to get to that point every once and a while. To remember how much it means when someone remembers your name, or when someone asks you to sit with them.

I made a handful of new friends today at church, and at the lunch hangout after. I even walked around Paris with a big group of them this afternoon, searching for macaroons and laughing with really cool girls, who happen to also love Jesus. 

I’m feeling very humbled. And very looked after by the God who knows me personally. By my God who, though I plug my ears, continues to whisper to me, “I am here! And I AM.”

1 comment:

  1. I had no idea there was a Hillsong in Paris! Eek! That is really great, Jen. Proud of you for stepping out and finding community. Can't wait to hear about them.
