Thursday, July 5, 2012

jeudi 5 juillet, 2012

My favorite things about Paris so far:
-Having my window open all day and night and letting the breeze come in
-Safety in numbers: you can walk across the street as long as there isn’t a car coming at that moment (despite the lit-up red man telling pedestrians to not walk). If hesitant, just follow people who start walking. I learned that on my first day here: Julie told me “In Paris, you always go when it’s red.” But there is no fine for j-walking here!
-Fresh bread with butter. No explanation needed.
-Young guys will put on music in the metro and start dance parties. Ice Ice Baby was on yesterday and I was laughing really hard.
-This bumper sticker: "I love nothing. I'm Parisien." 

My not-as-favorite things about Paris so far:
-They put zucchini, carrots and cucumbers in everything.
-It is normal to undercook your beef so it’s “sanglant”—literally, “bloody”. Very foreign to me.
- No public bathrooms ANYWHERE. I have to remember mommy’s sound advice: before you leave the house, “just try.”
-I miss dogs and always want to go up and pet the ones I see in the street. I particularly miss my best friend Molly.
-The metro can be pretty stuffy and germ-y.
-The weather is just as unpredictable as Texas: one day it’s 80 degrees and sunny, and the next day it’s 60 and rainy. And it gets pretty humid here too.
- Fois gras. And salmon paste. 2 words come to mind: Cat. Food.

I have been trying to start to look up ideas for what I would want to possibly do after I graduate (10 months away, eek!) which is very exciting, but also a bit scary, as I’m still not sure what I see myself doing. 

Maybe Public Relations, maybe journalism? Maybe moving to the Caribbean and sleeping all day? It’s fun, however, to think of all the places in the world I could possibly work, and to think of what a blessing it could be if I can get a job doing something that I really enjoy.

I have been a bit homesick this week though, just missing getting the rest that I get at home with my family. It’s different here, just because I don’t really have my own space, except for my bedroom. Still finding the balance of getting Jennifer-time, and pushing myself to take advantage of being in Paris.

Most unfortunately, the taste of coffee is getting a bit old to me—because of my 4 cups a day. I am tired here. Sometimes at work, I’ll look at my desk and take a quick nap with my eyes open. Don’t ask me how it works. It’s just magic.

Last night, I went to my friend Ed’s host family’s house with Kaitlyn and some other girls, and we all celebrated the 4th of July by making an “American dinner,” consisting of chili lime chicken, chips and queso, lemonade, and a blueberry tart. It wasn’t the most typical American meal ever, but hey. It worked! It was just fun to be in a different French family’s home—I always enjoy seeing the differences between families.

Well. I probably have much more to write about, but I’m having trouble thinking because I’m just on my 2nd cup of coffee! 

But for the road, I’ll leave you with this: People rollerblading through the metro is just as annoying and puzzling as people rollerblading through A&M campus. 

I’m pretty sure stairs are more difficult on skates.

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